Rugby’s British Festival has become an annual May event for Historic Rugby. This year it’s back to a week later than last, so May 10-11 (11th being Mothers Day, so bring yours). Look for vendors, food, tours of the historic buildings and more. Bring the family for a celebration in this British-founded 1880 village! Confirmed so far are Tom Melville leading Cricket lessons, Lark in the Morn dancers with their Maypole, and Carriage Rides around the village! More details and times will be posted here when available, along with ticket links.
Artisans, Food Trucks, Historic Buildings Tours, and Printing Shop
Queen’s Tea, 1 p.m. Eastern. Ticket required, with link posted here later.
❁ LIVE MUSIC (all times Eastern)
Saturday, May 10
10:00- 11:00 Rugby Cornet Band
11:00-11:30 Wildwood Flute Choir
11:30-12:00 Sally Gardens (folk music from Oneida)
12:00- Break for Maypole
12:30-1:30 Glade Dixieland Band (Jazz band from Crossville. Several members also play in the Rugby Cornet Band)
1:30-2:00 Azekiel Harness (Singer/Songwriter from Oneida)
2:00 Break for Maypole
2:30-3:15 Jodie Manross
3:15-4:00 Greg Horne (Musician who sings, plays guitar, steel guitar, fiddle, banjo and probably others. Played here NY Eve.)
4:00 break for Maypole
4:30- until everyone has gone home Junction South (This is Gerald Hanwright’s Band- rock, mostly 70s and some 80s)
Sunday May 11
Noon Maypole
1:00-1:45 White Water Bluegrass Band (Banjo instructor from Robbins TN)
2:00 Maypole
2:30 Victory Blue Grass (local band)
3:00-3:45 White Water Bluegrass Band
4:00 Maypole
4:30 Gerald Hanwright

Cricket lessons


Horse & carriage rides return!