Historic Rugby Volunteers Appreciation & Opportunities
Thank you, Volunteers!
Where would we be without our volunteers? We depend on volunteers for almost everything we do at Historic Rugby, from helping in the office to fixing buildings, from maintaining our many trails to decorating the village, from keeping our archives updated, giving site tours, and maintaining our gardens to creating, developing, and staffing programs and events!

We are fortunate to have such a talented and dedicated group of people to help us, but we need YOUR help, too!
There are many jobs in Historic Rugby that you can help us with, whether you are a Historic Rugby member or nonmember. Please read below for our standard volunteer opportunities.
If you would like to go ahead and volunteer, please contact us using the button below.
Volunteer Opportunities
Special Events – Admission Tent, Food Booth, Membership Booth, Historic Building Guide, Surveys, Visitor Centre Receptionist, Event Preparation, Parking, Signage, Trash Collection, and Commissary Help.
Clerical – Mailouts, letters typed, lodging reservation assistance, information requests, answering phones, making and distributing flyers, etc. Computer skills needed.
Visitor Centre – Welcoming visitors, providing site information, collecting admissions, setting up tours, showing the film, taking tours, answering phones, checking in lodgers, office support, etc. Computer skills are helpful.
Print Shop – Greeting visitors, providing site information, demonstrating printing press (training required.)
Gardens – “Adopt a Bed” weeding, working with lead volunteer gardener as needed.
Library Book Cleaning – Every few years, Historic Rugby cleans and assesses the books in the Hughes Public Library for preservation needs and takes necessary action for the protection of the collection. This is a temporary ongoing project that requires a commitment of a few hours a week from 5-10 people over the course of a few months to complete.
Maintenance – Historic building preservation and restoration; routine facility maintenance; cleaning; painting, trail clearing, etc.